The project
About us
The author: Jan Kropf, family therapist and social worker
During the last 30 years of my activity in social areas I gained a lot of experience, particularly associating with people suffering from psychological stress.
I graduated my social work studies in Freiburg im Breisgau/Germany. Since 2001 I’m employed in Basel/Switzerland in a residential home for adolescents with learning and other disorders.
My basic qualifications are completed by formations in systemic family therapy and system constellations work.
In the years 2010 and 2011 I served an apprenticeship with Phyllis Krystal. I attach great importance to her method – gradually practiced it leads to more inner freedom.
I’m very glad to offer you with my mobile app “Vital Questions Project” an entertaining way to reflect your life. Account was taken all my experience while working on this project. I would like to extend my appreciation to my partners from media agency kaiser-grafix, who carried out this project in the end of 2011 in treasured, detailed work, a project, which is very valuable and important to me. Re-programming of the app for iOS as well as programming the app for Android was taken over by Matteo Morelli in summer 2017. For the tenth anniversary at the end of 2021, Matteo Morelli brought my application for iOS as well as Android completely up to date.
The developer of the first version oft the app “Vital Questions Project”: kaiser-grafix
kaiser-grafix is a full-service-agency spezializing in multimedia. kaiser-grafix consists of a team of ten selected specialists, including graphic artists and illustrators, sound engineers and programmers. kaiser-grafic specializes in Mobile Apps development animated cartoons, web development, print design, corporate identity, newsletter marketing and search engine optimization. Since 2003 we have developed and implemented web- and multimedia projects as well as corporate design for the region of Baden-Württemberg and throughout Germany.
During several months we developed in a successful cooperation the mobile app “Vital Questions Project” – the composition and programming, the intuitive operation and the lovingly designed comic-style graphics.
The developer of the second version oft the app “Vital Questions Project”: Software developer Matteo Morelli
In summer 2017 because of the encreasing technological requirements to an application a re-programming of the application “Vital Questions Project” was necessary. Software developer Matteo Morelli undertook the task of doing this and he also programmed the application newly for Android. For this second version of the app “Vital Questions Project” we carried over the basic design from kaiser-grafix and increased the functionality of the app dramaticly. The second full update by Matteo Morelli took place at the end of 2021.
We live in a globalised society with seamless information flow, information is processed extremely quickly. We live with permanent online access and always maintain informed on the current news. Times, in which eveerything happenes way too fast and it may easily occur that really essential things in life are moved out of the focus: you and your very own life goals, your personal happiness, the pleasant, the recreative, the quietness.
The modern technologies, smartphones and tablets with all their intelligent applications, do not exclude self-enquiry and reflection. On the contrary: amazing opportunities are offered, like having everything available at any particular time or location. We put some thought into the possibilities of connecting intense thouts about self-awareness and individuals’ own life situation with our mobile smartphones. So the idea was born to create the “Vital Questions Project“.
With the aid of questions regarding different areas of life, deeper insights, thoughts, reflections and knowledge occur. Being the user of this application you take center stage – because naturally you’re the authority concerning yourself. Particularly your abilities and possibilities are brought into focus.